Boardroom is an online dating application that helps professionals meet soulmates. The app is described as “Tinder” for people who are looking for love in the workplace, and its recent launch has attracted the attention of business media and the tech enthusiasts. I spoke to Wisani Schilumani co-founder of the app, as well as Serisha Barat, a renowned startup entrepreneurs.
Depending on the technology behind it, a digital boardroom serves as an essential communication documents, storage and meeting platform for boards. It streamlines board decision-making and improves efficiency of meetings. Digital tools, such as annotation features, allow directors to quickly organize and summarize notes prior to a board meeting. Engagement analytics provide insight into which sections of the document are receiving the most attention, which helps ensure that directors focus on the most important topics during discussions.
One of the major challenges boards confront is how to motivate and help their members. Many directors struggle to devote the time and effort to their board, regardless of whether they are juggling work, childcare, or other board commitments. If they don’t have a smooth process for receiving board materials it could take hours to get them – and if there are amendments or changes they may take longer for members to receive the updated version.
A board management application that is geared towards achieving results is essential for improving the efficiency of the board’s work. A digital boardroom is the security and centralized location for all meeting materials, including agendas, minutes and more. It removes the necessity for board members to rely on email, which can be insecure and confusing. You can be assured that all board members will get the most recent versions of meeting materials and are prepared to participate in discussions.